Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tips On Caring For Your Baked Cheesecakes

Cakes are created with natural ingredients without any preservatives, I hope some simple tips here will help you care for the cakes and hence retain their quality longer for your enjoyment.

For Baked Cheesecakes

Similarly, you can immediately consume the baked cheesecakes fresh upon delivery. If you decide to savour them slowly our baked cheesecakes should be stored in the fridge (whereby it can last for up to 5 days from delivery date). We don't recommend storing them under room temperature as the cheese in the cakes prefers cold-ish temperature to preserve its freshness.

Do remember to cover them up in a large container (or leave them in the original box) while stored in the fridge to best maintain its taste and texture. Finally, it might surprise some of you, but baked cheesecakes apparently are best served chilled (i.e. straight from the fridge). You might just like to try that to taste the difference.
Note - The abovementioned expiry period for the cakes is an estimated guide and may vary base on the conditions of your refrigerator