It's a Honey Velvet Cheesecake which i made for my mum's birthday this year, just thought to get into the inside view of the real texture of the cake. The main ingredient of the cake are honey and cinnamon and to enhance the smoother texture i uses some whipped cream to mix with the cream cheese.
Honestly this is my very first time trying a rich cheesecake with a sugar dough base, the outcome of it wasn't as satisfying as biscuit base. I always think the biscuit base is anyhow a better blend to the rich cheesecakes.
Glad to try new things but experiment is still the best way to improve.
This is how it looks after being slice out, the children can't wait to get a bite and, they love the frosting, infact i always make extra frosting for them to enjoy it plain just with cream cracker.Just some extra information, chocolates are actually good for the heart but definately not ask to consume it everyday, rather suprise, it's been consider as a stress free food as well.
This chocolate mud cake was part of my Chinese New Year order, covered with semi-sweet chocolate frosting, it's a super rich chocolate cake which not many people like or know how to taste the rich muddy texture. I did this back to my in-laws place for the kids for our reunion, but i blend in with brown sugar to cater for some health and diabetic watchout relatives and of course mainly my father in-law.