This was specially made for my brother in-law's wedding, wasn't that satisfy with the whole outcome, I rather turn this into a three tier wedding cake with some extras elaboration, it looks so small and no one even notice but glad this is the very first wedding that I have done it big, it was really an honoured to get assign by his auntie and my in-law to have such confident that I can do this....

This is a traditional wedding carrot ginger cake which I adapted from Debbie Brown wedding book....regret that I never really took an individual cake which I did for gift aways...and this cake really challenge me, the classic Eurasian Sugee cake and I did it in 270 really turn me into a cake monster the real day.
Very sorry to those that attended the wedding and if I miss out on any one of you do please forgive me, the smile doesn't seems to come by, mind still very blur...did it all by myself but a very big thank you to Uncle Rocky's family that make this whole thing happened even they just drop by for three to four hours but some how or rather He never gave up on me....
The shots are bad but anything will have the first time...the figure is also a big thank you from Debbie brown step by step which is so detail.
The Groom's head came off three times and the more I do the more it looks like the real groom, I got no Idea that the groom wears grey on the real wedding day and most of them does notice the similarity on the figures, the brides hand came off almost four times and the weight like doesn't comes right....thanks to my mum's home too...the humidity here makes the thing almost impossible to make this figure hardened. A very big thank you to those wasn't been mention in even my own hubby helps me allot. Glad I never give up.
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