Must be a chocolate month, everyone wanted a chocolate cake, I think whoever view this blog will get boring, any other cake I know how to bake must be the question....???
This cake was specially bake for my little sister in KL but I really disappoint her, sending it down by courier, I made a very big mistake that I never personnally saw those person in charge placing the fragile tag on the package, they damage the whole cake. When I saw what she took for me the picture when she open up, my heart was breathless for a second. What on earth happen, is like an earthquake just happen.
I think no one would imagine the worst, my figurine is gone into pieces, my whole cake broke, I think if it's handle with care or they nvr throw definately it will be still alright. Because I sent off with a careful check, those figurine just touch the cover which could hold the thing in shape, even slight trigger wouldn't damage the thing. Imagine the damage on the cake itself...there must be throwing. I really curse and swear, and this wasn't my first time sending such cake down to KL and this is really my unlucky day having such bad incident.
I think, careful is still the trick of the whole thing and the person in charge to really handle with care. Couldn't sleep thinking of that nightmare.