This was specially made for my beloved sister in law to be for her Birthday. A very light cake and simple one compare to my usual rich and heavy cheesecake. Well it depends on the recipient whom I made for.
I really running out of idea on what to be for her special day, I want her to remember that her birthday is also special to all of us. So from what I notice from her daily dress up and appearance, she loves looking good so it's also inspired from some of my Flickr friends where i always go for any inspiration...and this is my very first attempt on trying on a heels, daring but spoil a few in my process.
I don't have any special mold or the sandal but I saw a very similar one which Penelope Cruise wore in one of the Woman's weekly magazine so I tried it on a different colour scheme. The original pair was all black, so it won't be so nice if no colour added on the cake. I made some cuppies to back my mini cake as well.
I think I learn alot from this time...never ever try any lemon with's a disaster...very sorry. It doesn't reach to my sister in law in good shape, the colour fades after hours in the humidity...but she was so nice to say it was ok.
I really felt bad and uncomfortable with what happen. Just to be lucky to get the shot of some good ones before I hand it to her.
The frosting was lemon cream cheese and the cake is chocolate sponge sandwiched with the lemon cheese so it's light, comes with sweet and sour but overall the outlook makes my heart sank when I open the box.
Please if you and your friends tasted the cake leave some comment so I can further improve on it...and get ready for your big day next year.